Cody Daigle-Orians has written some plays.
Full Length Plays: In the Bones (Astoria Performing Arts Center; Root and Branch UK), 18 Victoria (New Orleans Fringe Festival, Root and Branch UK), The Woman’s Part (Acadiana Repertory Theatre), The Survivalists (Acadiana Repertory Theatre), The Book of D (The Growing Stage Children’s Theatre of New Jersey), TULSA! A Radio Christmas Spectacular (Playhouse Theatre Tulsa), Little Women (Playhouse Tulsa), William and Judith (Playhouse Theatre Tulsa, Browncoat Theatre), The Wolves in the Walls (Acting Unlimited), A Home Across the Ocean (Manhattan Theatre Works), Providence (Manhattan Theatre Works) Life/Play (New York International Fringe Festival).
Short Plays: Certain Unexplainable Events (LA Sci Fest), Gone (Gadfly Theatre Minneapolis), There and Back (StageRIGHT Seattle, Prologue Theatre Company Chicago), Last Round at Ollie’s (Charter Oak Cultural Center Hartford), Last Night of the World (Acadiana Center for the Arts, Strawberry One-Act Festival NYC).
Musicals: The Frogs (Lafayette Parish Arts Academy. Book, Music and Lyrics with Roy Bertucci); Grand Pre (University of Louisiana Opera Theatre. Book, Music, and Lyrics with Roy Bertucci)
Awards: Best Play Manchester Fringe Festival (18 Victoria); 2013 and 2014 Holland New New Voices Playwriting Award from the Great Plains Theatre Conference (William and Judith, In the Bones), Bruce and Arch Brown Playwriting Award for LGBT Playwriting (The Bottom of the Sea).